Sunday, December 11, 2016

frosty morning number 2

Purpose:To visualize or invoke a feeling to the reader

Cold air spraying across my face like a cold shower

My footprints marked on the snow like someone following me

Bright white snow shining on me like the sun's brightness

The clouds dropping snow to the ground like rain falling from the sky


The clouds burn with siery red eye’s seeing everything.
Dashing across the sky like the Silver Surfer.
Colorful foam drifting through the air.
Steamy heat surrounding me.
The thunder strikes countries and all the  innocent house’s.
Tears falling down from the angels getting punished by God.
The clouds shift away.                                      

BY KERISIANO                                

... Lightning And Dark Clouds ...

Black Out Poem

Image result for fire moon

Dark furious energy.

Blackout sky’s.
Black moon.
Country Blackout.
Wolf howls

TItahi bay poem

Titahi Bay poem

Blue-ish green salty sea water.

Shells washing up on the sand.

Surfers surfing under evil waves.

Crabs running like spiders under
big rocks.

Cars dashing across the soft sand to buy a boat shed.  
Image result for titahi bay beach

Polyfest Learning Story

On the 5 of August at Hosanna church we preformed lots of language dancing. Junior Samoan,Cambodian,Senior Samoan,Normal Maori,Maori and Cook Island it was fun but it was scary to at the same time it was like I was about to have a hard attack.

When I was getting ready to preform I felt like a jelly coming out of a fringe I was so scared that I started getting goosebumps.

  When we did the sasa we were communicating so we could look like a army doing the same move at the same time.  

I can learn the dancing moves fast and I also can respect them by doing what they
say and do it at the same time. 

I was scared that I was going to get the move's wrong and ruin it for all of us.but then I thought about it and than I said to my self I'm doing It for my culture and family not for others.

I was happy that I didn't ruin it.Before the preference I did a little prayer and I think it came true.On the stage I was turning red it felt like I didn't know the words and suddenly I had tomato checks.

The Marae learning story recount.

At the Marae on Thursday we had kapa haka out side the marae. It was a fun time because everybody were doing the same action and because we were at a real marae and talking to the gods and showing who's boss.

After kapa haka Kate Collins talked us though the rules of the marae then we had morning tea.I had alot fruits like banana,apple's and kiwi fruit. After morning tea My group did planting with Alicia and Penny we also painted on rocks to decapitate the plants and make the plants stand out for the marae.     

Then we played a cool game of kio-rahi. My team was using alot of team work that's how we won the kio-rahi at the marae.

When it was lunch time we had soop and bread it was yum.
then after lunch my group had mine-craft group we had to make a marae with mine-craft.  

Writing Learning Story 2016

In Writing I am learning how to write a narrative story, so I can entertain the reader.I can keep them hooked in my story by using interesting words and descriptive language so they can see my story in their head.
In Writing also got better at using full stop in the space's and  using other punctuation such as comma's and speech marks.
In Writing it hard to connect the setting,character,problem and how the problem get solved in the end. I can start my story really well but then in the middle my story can sometimes get confusing. I find it hard to think of a good ending. I need to keep working on this and trying hard to get better at it.
My next step is to write different kinds of sentences to make my writing more interesting.  

 I am going to achieve my next step by looking at how authors do this in their stories.    

Thursday, November 3, 2016



Last Friday the whole school participated in athletics.
The sports where Discus,Vortex,Sprints,Long jump and High jump.

In athletics I was good at Vortex because I used good techniques like 3 steps,turn side on,aim where I throw,then launched it like a rocket taking off to the sky.

I stayed calm, I was ignoring distractions.I was thinking positively because it was scary being in front of everyone.I felt positive when I got a silver I was still happy.I tried my hardest and that's all that matters.

My next step is to:keep trying and never give up.
The sport that I want to get better at is discus because I want to be a pro discus thrower like Gerd Kanter.

Image result for gerd kanter

I will achieve my next steps by never giving up and to think positively when I throw.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Inquiry Learning story

This term in Room 12 me and J.J's inquiry is about how we can teach and share our culture and languages with others in our community.We choose this because we want to express our culture by doing art around the school,Also to make Corinna School look the best as it can. We want to put cultural art on the walls and use spaces that aren't being used like the old dental clinic. These spaces don't look very good at the moment.

At the moment we are planning our inquiry and researching how we can take action.

Watch out for more posts about our progress.

Inquiry Reflection & Planning Journal

Thursday, June 16, 2016

reading learning story

In reading I have been learning about enviroschool's. One of the school's we learnt about was Hukanui  School.
We chose Hukanui school because they had creative idea's that might give us idea's of how we can improve our space and make them safe enviro place's.         

Big idea:  
How are others are exploring, innovating and creating opportunities and challenges for people, places, and environments as kaitiaki in their Community?
Learning Goals:
  1. locating and summarising ideas (e.g., by skimming or scanning, by identifying key words, topic sentences, and key questions, or by using subheadings)
  2. evaluating and integrating ideas and information across a small range of texts;

Here's my Hukanui school brainstorm

When I read this story I found out that they had to do a lot of things to achieve their goal.They had to plan what they were going to do, ask teachers what they want to do and find out whats best for hukanui school to be a enviroschool. They also had to find out where they can get there equipment from and ask the principal for permission first and teachers.

It helped me by telling me how I can plan things out to make our school a enviroschool and what we need to do to achieve our inquiry goals. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My Independent math learning

In math I am learning how to work out fraction problems and how to use patterns when i'm stuck and also how to break up fraction to make it possible to divide and easier to work out.

The problem i solved was about Nash and sia. They were thinking about making new lava lava for poly club each lava lava use's 2/3  of a metre of materiel.

First I went 1/3 of 15 =15 divided by 3 =5

Then I went 2/3 of 15 =2 x 5 = 10m

Next I took the answer from both of the equations and timed them both and the answer to the lava lava problem was
10 metres to make 15 lavalava

My next step is to not be shy when the teacher says I have to share my learning to the class and to make sure that I worked out the problem in a way that the class can understand.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

2016 MATHS learning story

In maths we are learning to work as a group and to include others.In maths we have been learning different ways to solve fraction problem in my group.I had to share my ideas and include others so they know what we are doing and so they can come up with different ideas. 

The problem me and my group solved was about Nash and sia. They were thinking about making new lava lava for poly club each lava lava use's 2/3  of a metre of materiel

I was trying to find out how much material would they need to buy to make 15 lava lava.

First I went 1/3 of 15 =15 divided by 3 =5

Then I went 2/3 of 15 =2 x 5 = 10m

Next I took the answer from the first equation which was 5x2 because that was the answer to the other equation and it equalled 10m to make 15 lava lava's.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Technology Learning Story

Every Wednesday after noon's,  all the year 7 and 8 go to Brandon for technology.At technology I learnt how to cook food that is healthy. For example we learnt how to cook pan cakes with out sugar.

I have also been learning how to cook safely in the Brandon kitchen by wearing oven gloves and listen carefully to the person that knows how to cook the food that we were cooking.I am good at mixing ingredients that it gets a good taste and that it taste just right.

I feel confident around the cooking class because I have alot of friends that can help me till I get the best of my ability.

My next step is to practice how to make my special
 food at home and to try using different ingredients
to get same looks and different taste.