Tuesday, June 14, 2016

2016 MATHS learning story

In maths we are learning to work as a group and to include others.In maths we have been learning different ways to solve fraction problem in my group.I had to share my ideas and include others so they know what we are doing and so they can come up with different ideas. 

The problem me and my group solved was about Nash and sia. They were thinking about making new lava lava for poly club each lava lava use's 2/3  of a metre of materiel

I was trying to find out how much material would they need to buy to make 15 lava lava.

First I went 1/3 of 15 =15 divided by 3 =5

Then I went 2/3 of 15 =2 x 5 = 10m

Next I took the answer from the first equation which was 5x2 because that was the answer to the other equation and it equalled 10m to make 15 lava lava's.

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