Sunday, December 13, 2015

      2015 FINAL BLOG

First I would like to thank all the people that had my
back and encouraged me to learn better and to become a better learner in corinna school.  

I want to be remembered for being a leader and a role model to others so they could notice me.

my speesh

Most people in room 3 believe and agree that 21st century learning is better than the past learning style!

Now I am going to prove it to you by telling you 3 ways that 21st century learning is the best way to learn.

  1. In 21 century we use a variety of different furniture and other things like couches to give us choice about how we work best. We learn better when we have more choice to use furniture that suits our work.      

  1. We use Chromebooks and other digital technology, because we can learn better. A chromebook is a good learning tool because we can go on different web site to help us if we don’t know about something. We can also use lots of Google tools to present and share our work. We can also use our chromebooks to share our work with experts and get feedback.

  1. The old school way of learning is bad, because in the older style we had to copy what the teacher was writing on the board. She would rub it off even though people were still copying the thing on the board.It’s better in our days now because we just take a photo and upload it into our drive. We don’t need to waste our learning time doing something boring.

That's 3 ways why 21st century style of learning is better. I’m sure you all agree with me. Thanks you for listening to my speech.


kerisiano hauku

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Guitar Playing


 I learnt it from my older brother. 

                              CLICK HERE

Sunday, June 21, 2015

KEY COMPETINCE kapa haka self managing

In kapa haka I have been learning to use self managing skills to learn how to do the pukana and do an amazing haka about Corinna school. 

My skill that I used was to stay still and listen carefully so I know all the actions and so I don't muck it up on the day we perform the haka and waiata.

We had a dress rehearsal on Wednesday 17th June 2015. We had to perform in front of Tawa school and they performed to us. Their performance was amazing. It was like us when we did our own performance.

I showed respect to Tawa School when they preformed by watching them and listening to their songs.

When we performed the waiata I was feeling scared because all the girls were down but the boys weren't. We were standing up and the whole audience could see us. That made me feel unconformable. I tried my best anyway. 

My next step will to make sure I go to all practises and performances. I need to make sure I bring back my permission slips on time.


On the sports field  I use my relating to other skills to play well with my team and use good team work skills so we can have fun and win the game. 

In rugby I can listen to others, like my coach and team mates so I can learn new thing's about rugby that I have never learnt about before. For example, I learnt how to tackle because my coach explained all the steps to me.  I listened and followed his instructions and then I practised.

In rugby when people tackle you have to tackle under the waist or else you will get a yellow or a red card or  get injured. I can respect the rules and play fair. If the ref make's a call I don't agree with I don't disrespect the rule, I listen and I play by the rule's.

Next step is to turn up to every practise and game on time so I don't let my team down.

To practise my skills in my own time so I get really good at rugby.


In writing I have been learning how to put myself in the soldiers shoes and explain what it will feel like if it was me that got sent to war.  

I wrote a fictional story about me being sent to WW1.
The writing skills I used was to entertain the people that read my story and to use good describing words to make the reader interested in my writing

example my evidence 

In the morning my Mum yelled as loud as she can “Ben. Ben!!! GET OVER HERE!”  “ You other kids go play.” Then my mum burst into tears like she was at a funeral.

When I am writing I use what I have learnt from my reading to help me to explain my ideas my writing. I look for good describing words and phrases and think what do these mean and how can I use them in my writing?   

Next Steps:
I need to re-read my writing and check it if it makes sense and that I have used a capital letter and full stop correctly.

In writing I am learning to put my ideas in order and in to paragraph. 

I am learning to use speech marks to show when someone is talking.


In reading I am learning how to search in books for information about New Zealand getting involved in the wars. In our reading group we had to share what we learned in the books so that everyone understood.Then we went on the internet to find more information about other wars like WW2  and the Vietnam War.

MY EVIDENCE about N.Z being involved in wars.

When I was reading about WW1, I found out where the NZ soldiers trained. N.Z soldiers went to Egypt to train before they went to the war. 

The New Zealanders and Australians fought against the German’s. They also went to Gallipoli to fight the Turkish. I also found out that another name for World War 1 is the Great War because most countries of the world were involved in the war.

I am learning to skim and scan information to find answers to my questions quickly. When I am skimming and scanning I use key words to help me search for the information. When I find the key word I stop and read it carefully so I don't miss any information about the war.

World War 1 Research:

I can use things that can help me like books and the internet it helps me because if I don't now a word I can search on the internet what the word means.

Next step is to explain what the author means because something we need to read need to read between the lines and look clues help us understand what the text is telling us.

Here are some links to two videos of me reading my story. I read the Journal Story "In the End" It is a Level 3 text.



In maths I am learning how to share my ideas so I can use and teach others different strategies to solve problems.

I use what I already know to help me work out hard problems like (35X21)I use place value partitioning and my timetables to work out the answer.

I did (30X20)+(5X1)+(5X30)+(30X1) 

In Maths I use my timetables to find the answers to equations quickly.When I use my timetables skills I try to find patten's that lead me to the answer. I know most of the time tables up to the 11x tables. I use this to help me solve division
problems too. If I know that 4x5=20 then I know that 20 ÷ 5=4
My next step is to learn my 12 timetables so I know all of my timetables. 

To let other people have a chance to think and explain how they solved the problem before telling them the answer to quickly.